Friday, January 11, 2013

It's not a Magic Trick, it's the Invisible Hand!

So I'm super excited this morning because I found out one of my favorite web browser extensions is also now mobile! Before you buy one more thing online (or on your smartphone), you need to download this!

It's called The Invisible Hand (yeah I know it’s a weird name), but it is very “handy” (see what I did there?) for online and mobile shopping.

Say you are searching for a Halo Sleep Sack for your little one. Just type it in your search engine, and it automatically searches the internet for you to see which website has it cheapest. It will pop up in your header and provide you with direct links, as shown below.

Sound cool huh? Well, it does have its glitches. It won't have results for absolutely everything. And it has its quirks...say you are searching for something that has multiple volume/size, say, diapers...(which come in “jumbo” to “economy” and everything in between). The Invisible Hand knows you are searching for “Pampers Cruisers”, not necessarily “Pampers Cruisers, size 3, economy pack”. It may pull up the cheapest pampers it finds, which would most likely be a newborn jumbo pack of Pampers Baby Dry. Clearly not the same thing.

So, it’s not perfect, but still very useful. The first time we used this we saved $30 by buying our pack and play on vs. Target. And, since the only “work” it requires the initial download, it’s still worth the  5 seconds if it *only* saves you $30 once.

Usefulness: When it works properly, extremely useful!  
Ease of use:  Really can’t get any easier
Mobile-friendly: Yes! And you can even scan bar codes to search for the lowest prices!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Thrift Store Thrills

So yesterday Jon and I decided we HAD to get out of the apartment, since the weather was so nice (well nice for early January). I had done all my errands the day before-so for once, we are actually looking for something to so (which is rare because normally there is a laundry list of to-do items on my kitchen board). I suggested we hit up our favorite thrift store since we had two bags of items to donate, and I like to peruse the store myself.

We had the little one in tow and she was excited too...

So we headed to our favorite thrift store- where I made a bee-line for the baby clothes. I had a craigslist alert  set for Halo Sleep Sack but hadn't found any (even used) for less than $15 each. I found 4 fleece Halo Sleep Sacks in great condition for about $2 each. Along with lots of other cute Carters, Gymboree, and BabyGap clothes. Total = $32.98. That's less than two USED sleep sacks!

I've heard people say before that thrift stores are "dirty" and they would "never" shop there. Well to each their own, but I personally love them. Yes, some are not as nice as others-but there are tons of thrift stores out there. If one turns you off, try another. You are bound to find one you like. 

Thrift stores can also be overwhelming. The one I frequent, Unique, is HUGE and very organized (well, as organized as a thrift store can possibly be). But seeing 1000 jeans in a row (all different brands), can be a little daunting. 

One great tip I've learned is that when items come in, they are processed relatively in the same "batch," and put into the proper area of the store from there. The thing to remember is, items coming from one person (or family) are typically going to be grouped into certain sizes and particular styles. If you scan the aisles for one good item, chances are there is a cluster of like-sized, like-style items relatively close by.This can really cut down on your time looking through item after item and increase your chances of successfully walking away with a still-with-tags pair of your-size Ann Taylor jeans for $4 (yes, this happened to me!). Happy hunting!  

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Combing through Craiglist made easy!

My first tip is something I use ALL. THE. TIME.

Have you ever been on the lookout for something on Craiglist, and it’s not there, or not exactly what you want? Don’t have time to search through countless listings? I found a website that will does it for me.

 Seriously, I love this site. It’s called List Alert.

You set up alerts & it emails you when things pop up. Best of all, the alert emails populate as a list WITH pictures. Even Craigslist doesn’t do that! So you can see the main picture for each of the listings within one page, instead of having to click and open each and every one (see example below).

(Here is a screenshot of my "plastic storage" alert")

You can activate and deactivate your alerts, alter them, and adjust when you want your alerts emailed to you, at any time.

For example, I have alerts set up for “play yard,” “plastic storage,” and “folding shopping cart,”  among many other things. I’ve already scored a couple plastic storage bins and a play yard for dirt cheap using this website. Sometimes being the first to respond to an ad is the key!

So, for those rare items that are hard to find, or items you are on the lookout for, but in no real hurry to get....why not set up an alert and see what happens?

My ratings for

Usefulness: This has become a can’t-live-without-it site.
Ease of use:  Super-easy!
Mobile-friendly: Yes!

Hi, my name is Jen and I'm addicted to making life easier!

So I’ve had people telling me for quite some time that I should start a blog with my money and time saving, as part of my 2013 new year’s resolution, I’ve whipped up this little blog.

It’s nothing fancy. No witty name. No pretty graphics and text (well, maybe someday...). Just simple things I use all the time that make my life a little easier, my budget a little more comfortable, and my time a little more...mine. I hope you enjoy these tips as much as I do!

Disclaimer: I am  in no way compensated for any website or product endorsements. (Although that would be pretty cool!)
