Thursday, February 27, 2014

Baby Registry- Where do I even start?!

There are many things overwhelming about having your first baby- what to put on your registry is definitely one of them. I remember feeling completely lost when I was making my baby registry for my daughter. I spent hours researching, changing my mind, adding, deleting, adding items over and over to find the perfect combination of things that would make the transition from a family of two to a family of three a little easier.

And after over a year and as I prepare for baby #2, I have been reflecting on my top must-have items- and how NONE of them were on my baby registry. But these are the items we found we could not live without, and I recommend to every new mom I know.

1) Angelcare monitor:

This was the third or fourth monitor we tried, and I wish we had gotten it first. Yes, it's expensive, and yes, it's worth every penny. It detects the most minute movement (i.e. breathing) and alarms if there is no movement for 20 seconds.Unless you are that incredibly easy going first-time parent who never once worries about SIDS, or your child climbing out of the crib, you absolutely need this monitor. You spend so much time as a new parent trying to get your child to sleep well- but trust me- YOU will sleep better with this product.

2) Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper:

Yet another must-have item I was completely unaware of when I made my registry...and a complete lifesaver. Especially if your little one has reflux. It's super portable so you can move from room to room easily, unlike a bassinet or most swings. But don't take my word for it. Ask any of your parent friends. Seriously, just ask. 

3) Disposable Changing Pad:

Do you LOVE doing laundry? Because if you do, skip this product. However if you are like 99.999% of sleep deprived parents, you'll do anything you can to avoid unnecessary washing. I can't even remember how I found these- maybe someone gave them to me at my baby shower, and I remember thinking "what in the world? Isn't that what the soft, cushy velour cover I bought is for?" The first time my daughter peed and pooped all over that lovely changing table cover I learned my lesson. Keep on of these on top of the changing pad for when those lovely accidents happen, so then all you have to do is toss the disposable pad, instead of washing that cover every. single. time.

 Plus, if you've ever tried to use those portable changing pads (hold on, I have to finish laughing.....ahh....ok) you know they are absolutely terrible. They never fold flat enough, and when you are struggling with a diaper bag, wet/poopy baby. trying to open the filthy bathroom stall changing table, simply don't have enough hands. Keep these in your diaper bag and just fling it open. 

4) Mesh Teethers (We use Munchkin brand "Fresh Food Feeders"):

Teething. It's awful. And damn near everything that would help soothe baby you are warned can be dangerous: old-school freezing rings contain toxic chemicals, too much Tylenol is bad for the liver, those "organic" teething tablets contain deadly belladonna, FDA warns against baby Orajel, and amber teething necklaces are choking hazards. Basically, you can't win. But you can help a little with these- you can put frozen fruit or veggie purees in them and baby will gleefully chew away - but as I said earlier- I hate doing laundry, so we just use plain ice cubes and don't have to worry about a sticky mess- and my daughter loves them just as much. 

Well, that's it for now...I shall update more when I can. We are close to baby #2 arriving soon so I'm sure there will be things to learn all over again as we adjust to life as parents of 2 under 2! 

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